Shakespeares King Lear - Elizabethan Context

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Research Assignment - King Lear - Year 12 Elizabethan / Jacobean Audience Reception of King Lear Context of Audience: Queen Elizabeth's reign from 1558 - 1603 witnessed the rise of England into a world power with international trade connections. It also saw a growing sense of self-confidence heightened by the war against Spain and the defeat of the Spanish Armada. The Reformation and Renaissance reached England at around the same time and there was a great cultural flowering. At …

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…be dressed in parodies on 19th Century clothes. This ment that past present and future remained visually. This production is a political reading of "King Lear" and is valued for it's reflection of the immensely poor political decision that Lear makes in conceding all of his wealth to his daughters. This set provides the backdrop for Csiszar's production which omits nature, fate and family interpretations of the play and focuses solely on the political aspects.