Shakespeare has many ways of introducing his heroes. Take the opening Act of one play and show how Shakespeare creates his character and establishes his qualities.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In William Shakespeare's "Hamlet", the main character is introduced in a number of ways. In Act I of the play, Hamlet is mainly established by his words and actions, and his predicament. They portray Hamlet's loyalty, intelligence, courage, his concept of morality and ability to express himself. These qualities are also shown through the drama of the play, such as the soliloquies. One of the main qualities portrayed within Hamlet's character by Shakespeare, shown by …

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…his words and actions and his predicament. His ability to express his own feelings shows the audience that he is an intelligent, clever man and that he knows what is moral and what is proper for a king and country. His loyalty towards his father demonstrates his courage, cleverness and enthusiasm. The drama of the play also helps to bring out Hamlet's character by showing the audience how Hamlet reacts and feels within different situations.