Shadows by D.H.Lawrence

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Essay Database > Literature
Lawrence was born in England, in 1885. In his adolescent years he worked at a factory, until he fell ill with tuberculosis. At the age of 23, Lawrence had aquired a teaching degree, and published his first story. He married in 1914, travelled and lived in various states and countries, then settled in the south of France. Just before his death from tuberculosis in 1930, he penned the poem "Shadows". This poem gives readers a look into the undying …

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…had given him, everlasting peace. He left the poem "Shadows" for all to enjoy, and perhaps to help ease the pain and suffering of those afflicted with crippling, and terminal illnesses. Lawrence speaks of the acceptance of his death, without fear. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he writes about his faith in God, and how Gos is leading him to a new life once the pain and suffering of his mortal life is over.