"Shadowed Lives" by Leo R. Chavez.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
One of the few case studies of undocumented immigrants available, this perceptive anthropological study improves a group of people too often abridged to statistics and typecast. The suffering of Hispanic relocation is expressed in the immigrants' own accent while the author's voice elevates questions about authority, typecast, settlement, and assimilation into American society. Immigrants are torn by contradictory social and intellectual demands, while facing the confront of entry into a strange intimidating environment. The migratory …

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…Their stories are moving; their persistence astonishing. North American readers will be reminiscent of just how confined and privileged they are by the good quality of living in America. An ought to read for anybody trying to comprehend the complication of illegal colonization or in the location to make strategy on the topic. References: <Tab/>Chavez, Leo R., (1992) Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.