Shadow of Darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
He was sound asleep. He was dreaming a pleasant dream when suddenly he knew he was in great danger. He snapped awake alertly and looked around the small bedroom of the old, eerie house. Curtains of darkness eclipsed the gleaming moonlight outside his bedroom window; only a small beam of light emitted from the black night. He didn't know how he knew, but he did. Something bad was coming - something terribly evil. For some …

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…Smalls' bedroom and into the living room, peeking out of the gloomy shades. Strange lights glowed faintly in the distance; mysterious moaning filled the air with apprehension. Not a soul was in sight. He took a breath and felt for the presence, and, though it was faint, he knew it was still there - far away now, but still there, breathing, watching. He sat in the easy chair, holding his weapon, and waited for dawn.