Shadow Of the Dragon.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Sherry Garland's Shadow of the Dragon provides us with an emotional and a romantic storyline of the life of a Vietnamese boy named Danny (Duong) and his older cousin Sang Le, who arrive to the United States of America to fit in the society. Danny and Sang Le both lived a very desperate life in Vietnam with the Vietcong's trying to take over Vietnam. A few years after the war between the Vietnamese and the …

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…fighting over something, they were always happy. One of the biggest difference that the two cousins had was their believes, and their love to their motherland. Danny did not want to be a Vietnamese immigrant, he wanted to be American, and Sang Le opposed to that. As we can see that the Strongest points of their differences and their similarities were their love towards one another and their believes towards their religion and their motherland.