Sexual and Romantic Development in Youth

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This paper explores the effects of one's context and biology on sexual and romantic development in youth and young adults. I find it perplexing that children mature very differently in terms of their sexuality. This brings to question whether nature or nurture controls one's sexuality and romantic relationships. Many authors debate over the importance of hormones and biological factors versus environmental factors in relation to sexual development. Despite Freud's notion, parental influence determines a child's …

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…on Adolescent Sexual Behavior." Adolescence and Puberty. Ed. John Bancroft, and June Machover Reinisch. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 173-181. Udry, J. Richard. "Hormonal and Social Determinants of Adolescent Sexual Initiation." Adolescence and Puberty. Ed. John Bancroft, and June Machover Reinisch. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 70-87. Wyatt, Gail . "Changing Influences on Adolescent Sexuality over the Past Forty Years." Adolescence and Puberty. Ed. John Bancroft, and June Machover Reinisch. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 182-206.