Sexual Harrassment
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sexual harassment has been a prevalent occurrence in workplaces across the country. Although it is illegal it continues to happen in this politically correct era. Sexual harassment has many definitions and therefore some people find it difficult to define. Many case studies have been done on the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace. Although this type of harassment occurs to both sexes, statistics have shown that the majority of cases have struck the female
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the woman involved. Sexual harassment is a tragic crime that can occur to any gender by any gender at any place in time making it hard to avoid at all times. Therefore a woman should not be held accountable for being at fault if she has agreed to take a certain working position at a place of employment in a high stress, fast passed environment in which there may be presumably not highly educated males.
the woman involved. Sexual harassment is a tragic crime that can occur to any gender by any gender at any place in time making it hard to avoid at all times. Therefore a woman should not be held accountable for being at fault if she has agreed to take a certain working position at a place of employment in a high stress, fast passed environment in which there may be presumably not highly educated males.