Sexual Assult

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In this essay we will prove that sexual harrasment aginst women must end. when unwanted contact is not wanted . It is a nuisance and violates a persons rights as a human .The main ideas that will be discussed in the following are: bad role models, lack of punishment . society must solve these problems by, srticter laws, and more punishment. The first thing we will look at will be crime without punishment. There are more than 10%(500,000) …

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…mostly all the abusers are never caught for there actions. people have to find other ways to deal with anger instead of taking it out on there wives. Anger management could help in ways to deal with the anger, and stricter laws agaisnt the abuse. i personally thing that spoucesal abuse is wrong no one should have to beat there wives / husbands under any sercumstances . Its just wrong. This concludes my essay on sexual assult.