Sexual Abuse

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sexual Abuse The impact of sexual abuse reaches all levels of a childs emotions. These emotions and the effects are listed below: Confusion: This is usually the initial reaction of the child. They will usually question, "What is going on?" and " Is this right or wrong?". For a young child these types of questions can be an emense burden on their physcological development. Once the abuse begins the victim experience a tremnedous conflict with their …

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…not want to believe the accusations and will blame the child. Other reasons for why the mother may pass guilt: 1) she may feel inequipped to challange the husbands domination in any area of life therefore she shes passes the husbands faults and looks at the child. 2) The mother doesn't want to lose her husband. She does not want to give up the security provided by her husband and will block out the abuse. Bibliography none