Sex and the city

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Gender codes within society are experiencing a shift due to the racy and realistic television series Sex and the City. No longer are women solely perceived as the caretaker or child bearer, they are escaping the stereotypes assumed by our patriarchal society. Women are ignoring prescribed roles and are sending the message that they are just as capable, successful, and independent as men. Stay-at-home moms have embraced their opportunities to become more educated over the …

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…ability to discuss their sex lives and their relationships with men without being embarrassed or afraid. This show has received considerable praise for the aggressive nature of its women and their ability to succeed on their own it confirms the cultural assumption that women are indeed worried about their image and their future as a mother. Works Cited: 1.) Massik, Sonia and Jack Solomon. (2003). Signs of Life in the USA. (4th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. 2.)