Sex and rock

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Through the 20th century, music has influenced the sexual views/tendencies of the American youth. Simon Frith's essay, 'Rock and Sexuality' depicts the changes between the early 1920's, where women began too free themselves from the suppressed views held by the generation prior to them concerning marriage and sexuality, right till the mid 1970's where after going through a rock and punk phase American youth now entered an era where disco and dance became the …

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…has always been present in humanity, rock/music seams to just change it's form, weather it be liberating or suppressing. It is a fact of life which will always effect our actions our perceptions of the world. As time passes so will the fad, there will always be something influencing our actions, our thoughts and it seams that now more then ever music is not only impacting peoples sexuality but the entire way of life.