Sex Ed

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Essay Database > Literature > English
High school sex ed falling short By Melissa Baker The Miami Student Often, sexuality education is a taboo in American culture. As a result, sexual education programs at many schools create controversy. Ohio only requires schools to provide HIV and STD education, and 13 states do not require schools to provide either. According to Dr. Gregory Garnett, medical director of Student Health Services, it's common for schools not to offer healthy sexual education. They take the …

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…CSE, according to the video "Sexuality Education for the 21st Century," is to develop sexually healthy adults. Advocates say schools should be involved in CSE because young people are enrolled in school when they initiate intercourse. However, according to the video, only 5 percent of students receive CSE. Garnett stressed that sexual education does not promote sexual activity. "The information may not be needed for five years, but that doesn't mean students don't need it." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------