Seventeenth century social status of women.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
At the dawn of American colonization in the beginning of the seventeenth century, members of the lower class in England had the chance to become members of a growing upper class. Hopefuls could travel to America if they agreed to certain terms of service that placed them under legal control by a master. As more immigrants poured into the colonies, the chances of obtaining social status lessened. The individuals who found wealth and power early …

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…Jacob Bishopp faced pecuniary problems due to low tobacco prices and sold one of his servants, Anne Orthwood, to Lieutenant Colonel William Waters. However, he may have sold Anne because he suspected that she was pregnant. A "patriarch's responsibility [is] to correct wayward subordinates," and an infringement of church a regulation could indirectly affect Bishopp's reputation. In addition to marred social status, labor and delivery depreciated the value and physical abilities of a female servant.