Seventeen Syallables

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Cultural Differences:Family Struggles in "Seventeen Syllables" These days, it seems as though too many of us take for granted, the hardships and struggles that occurred in our families' pasts. Even people in the lowest social class are treated with more respect than before. Rosie's family does have their share of differences within their family. When cultures collide, negative outputs are given. It seems as though the Hayashi family each has their own thing going …

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…that Mrs. Hayashi finally found something she is very good at and she is getting rewarded for it. Her husand cant stand it. She's getting all the attention. So he decideds that by burning her prize, that will solve everything. Well it just made matters worse. Symbolism and instances and inner family struggles in "seventeen Syllables" proves that no single person or family is perfect, and some less fortunate people have it worse than others.