Seven page final paper analyzing and connecting Things Fall Apart, The Stranger, and Beloved together by use of theme, characterization, setting, conflict, and point of view.

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Three novels - Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, The Stranger by Albert Camus, and Beloved by Toni Morrison, each bear a close resemblance to each other. Through the use of theme, characterization, setting, conflict, and point of view each author manages to create numerous similar points that link the characters of each novel to the others. Themes in each of the novels have common goals, common ideals. From responsibility to acceptance from society, the …

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…rth working for. Finally, Sethe has a different belief system because of the slavery she was born into. She believes that "No more running- from nothing. I will never run from another thing on this earth. I took one journey and I paid for the ticket, but let me tell you something Paul D Garner: it cost too much!" Sethe's price to pay for running from slavery was the life of her first daughter, Beloved.