Seven Years in Tibet

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Seven Years in Tibet is orientalism which focusing on Tibetan religion and history. The orientalism plays out in opposites rescue paradigm, western authority over the East, and the justification of that authority. The movie recounts of the story of Heinrich Harrer's years in Tibet and actually parallels the history of Tibet-focused orientalism. When Harrer first enters the country, he exhibits the behavior of a commanding father to the Tibetans childlike state. The Tibetans are depicted …

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…the Buddhist ritual takes place, the monk lays out items that were once owned by the Dalai Lama, along with other items that were not. This was to test to see if the boy would pick up the items previously owned by the Dalai Lama, and after the recognition of the previous Dalai Lama's items, he is believed to be reincarnated. This is known as tulku, and Dalai Lama, who has existed in 14 incarnations since 1391.