Seven Samurai

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
It is hard to know exactly where to begin when talking about a film of such utter quality. What must be said at the start is that "The Seven Samurai" is flawless. It's characters are brought to life by some of the finest and most committed acting I have ever seen. It is a compelling story of courage, duty, honor, respect and change. I could echo Roger Ebert's commentary, in which he noted that Kurosawa's …

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…slightly to look at us, but we don't see his face, for now we are looking (in one of the great shots of the film) at his feet. The Samurai are ashamed and so are we because we identified with them at first and Kurosawa had the guts to show us that we are wrong to do so. I could go on, and on about his film, but I leave you with this, watch it.