Setting in Wuthering Heights (By Emily Bronte)

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The setting used throughout the novel Wuthering Heights helps to set the mood to describe the characters. We find two households separated by the cold, muddy, and barren moors, one by the name of Wuthering Heights, and the other by the name of Thrushcross Grange. Each house stands alone, in the mist of the dreary land, and the atmosphere creates a mood of isolation. In the novel, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are the two …

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…one, by making both of them cold, dark, and menacing, similar to a storm. She also made Thrushcross Grange parallel with the Lintons, which was more of a welcoming and peaceful setting. The personality of both of the houses are warm and helps draw in the reader. The contrast of these two houses adds much to the meaning of this novel, and without it, the story would not be the interesting, complex novel it is.