Setting (Explanation of )

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The setting of a piece of literature includes several different aspects. It includes what is going on politically, culturally, and also in the temporal environment (page 253). O'Brien's short story takes place in another country: Vietnam (page 80). The parts of Vietnam mentioned include both Than Khe and Chu Lai, but the homeland of the homeland of the main character is also mentioned, New Jersey. The setting plays an important role, because it dictates all of the …

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…uff around them, which makes them more in touch with nature. During the story, they keep with them the atmosphere, the land, and even the gravity. The objects the men carry emphasize the impact the setting has on each of them. The setting in any piece of literature dictates a number of different parts and even how the reader perceives different objects including drugs. The setting plays a massive role in all works of literature.