Service Marketing of Tourism industry in Tasmania by Nick HSU

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
1.0<Tab/>INTRODUCTION Tasmania is the smallest state of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is an island about 250 km (150 miles) south of the state of Victoria. The stretch of water between Victoria and Tasmania is Bass Strait. Also it is a place of wild and beautiful landscapes; friendly, welcoming people; a pleasant, temperate climate; wonderful wine and food; a rich history and a relaxed island lifestyle. There are many tourists coming to …

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…lt;Tab/>REFERENCES 1.<Tab/>K. Douglas Hoffman/John E. G. Bateson,(2002)."Essentials of Service Marketing" The Harcourt. 2. Neal, Quester, Hawkins, (1999). "Consumer Behaviour: Implicatoins for Marketing Strategy 2nd Edition." The McGraw-Hill. 3. Tourism Industry journal, (1999). "Potential of tourism" 4. Service marketing journal, (1997). " Tourism Services" 5. Ktler Adams, (1973). "Introduction to marketing" The McGraw-Hill. 6. Tourism of journal, (2000). "Tourism industry in Australia". 7., "Tourism Tasmania" 8. Marketing of tourism journal, (1996). "Marketing in Tourism.