Serial Killer

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
I live in a place with many others. The house is divided into levels and we each have our own section in which we stay at all times. But every so often, someone, usually from the top level, is taken away. They never return. My best friend is my next-door neighbor, his name is Jack. We live on the third level of the house, the highest level which still has people. Everyone from higher levels …

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…body as they touched me. I felt like I was in the middle of a hailstorm. So this is what they all went through, all my housemates that had been taken away. And I realized that this is what Jack would go through as well. That made me feel even worse. I just wanted everything to be over. I wished to die... The giant claw was turning away. "Son, sit up, your Weatbix is ready!!"