September 11 and its Impact on society.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Although the features and characteristics of the contemporaneous global society within which we survive and interact have attained a stage of advancement and development that is far beyond anything that could have been conceptualized a few decades ago, mass conflict continues to plague society on a global basis. This, moreover, is something that is emphasized quite effectually when considering it in light of the exceptional rate at which crime and terrorism appear to be currently …

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…terror of September 11, in the name of a symbolic strike against a whole society defined as the enemy, was an attack on innocent people's lives' (Benner, 2002). It would be useful to here acknowledge that although the impact of the attacks was exceptionally grave, it 'didn't cause Americans to become afraid or lose their heads' (Utley, 2002); they are already adapting to the inevitability of living with terrorism even as they continue the struggle to defeat it.