Senior General Vo Nguyen Giap

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Essay Database > History
Senior General Vo Nguyen Giap The name General Vo Nguyen Giap is very conflicting; some claim him to be a genius military leader and strategist, and others will say he is little more than an amateur. The truth may be skewed by Vietnamese propaganda, looking to make a hero of General Giap to promote hope to the Vietnamese soldiers. The truth remains, however, that General Giap did what no one thought anyone could do; he …

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…learned and appeared to do things by the book only after great amounts of planning. He was very intelligent, attacking multiple American posts at a time--spreading their power and their strength--taking out important leadership figures, destroying a government, and turning ordinary peasants and farmers into experienced guerrillas. Due to Vietnamese propaganda, he is regarded as a hero, and in his country, he is very comparable and could be considered the George Washington of his country.