Send boat people staright back - an analysis of the opinion of Australia's asylum seeker issue

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Send Boat People Straight Back July 6, 2004 The issue of refugees had one that has been lingering in the headlines for some time. The community is split on whether or not it is Australia's responsibility to address the growing issue of allowing refugees into our country. Some say we should simply "send them back", others argue that it is our moral responsibility as a community to care for asylum seekers. However, regardless of how strong the …

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…can position the reader to agree <Tab/> or reject something. In this particular piece, the tone is very loud and somewhat aggressive. This can be seen through words and phrases such as "unwanted immigration", "poured into the black hole" and "queue jumper's are not welcome". In this case, such a tone impacts on the language being forceful and persuasive, which in turn achieves the goal of successfully manipulating the reader's response.