Semi-fiction creative, comedic account of event at the airport, of a Japanese immigrant

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
<Tab/>The watch read 8:17. 46 minutes. Not bad at all. Just a tad slower than my best time. Must be the new break system, I thought quietly to my self. <Tab/>I looked at the overcast sky as I carefully clicked the lock in place on my three-hundred dollar bicycle. It looked like it was going to rain. I sighed and removed the lock I have securely snapped …

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…where I lived." <Tab/>Todd burst into laughter. "It was in July that you came last time, wasn't it?" He wiped tears from his eyes. "Oh man, you'll love our winter." <Tab/>"Huh?" I was confused. But the confusion went away as I stepped through the doors. <Tab/>The November rain cooled down my body, heated up from my mini-marathon around the airport.