Self Mutilation- Why do people intentionally injure themselves?

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Self mutilation is something that many people do not understand. People tend to look down on or think badly of people who do this. They may believe that these actions are simply to get attention or that it is a way of manipulating people. But, in reality these thoughts are very wrong. So many self mutilators will suffer in silence either unable to express these problems with others or often for the fear of being …

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…urgently need . Suffering in silence and having their own personal lives in emotional turmoil because of circumstances that they don't understand or are not able to control without the assistance of their mental health care provider can result in devastating circumstances or even more importantly suicide. There has been such extensive studying done on understanding this mental illness so that help is available today through either your health care provider or mental health care facilities.