Self-Help Book Review, "Outing Yourself" by Michelangelo Signorile: Psychology of Adjustment

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I really enjoyed this book a lot. It talked about so many different things and I was learned even more about whom I am inside. To sum up the book "Outing Yourself" the author Michelangelo Signorile broke things down into different steps and how to handle the different ways of letting people know you are. He has written a total of fourteen steps. The first three steps are about outing you to yourself. How can …

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…or gay knows the difficulty in finally getting the courage to come out and knows the risks involved so the author has written this book to help think it through in steps. The central message left to me in this book was never be ashamed of who you truly are. There will be difficult times but they don't have to bring you down and you can still be happy and proud of whom you are.