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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Self-Esteem You have the capacity to define who you are and then decide if you like that identity or not. When you reject parts of yourself, you greatly damage the psychological structures that keep you alive. Judging and rejecting yourself causes enormous pain. You find yourself avoiding anything that might aggravate the pain of self-rejection. You take fewer social, academic or career risks. To avoid more judgments you erect barriers of defense. You could blame …

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…fill your inner emptiness becomes desperate, repetitive, or automatic, you have an addiction. An attachment to something or someone outside yourself, that you feel you need. Providing, a sense of inner satisfaction or relief. Attachment substitutes preoccupation with a substance or activity for healthy human relationships. It may also substitute a temporary feeling of control, or power for a more lasting sense of inner confidence and strength. An alternative to addiction is building your self-esteem.