'Self-Appraisal': a poem by Raghav Kaushik

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
My mind may be gripped by the dark shadow of Fear, And I may be reminded that Doom has no peer. But I will be brave; I have Courage. The deadened clock may immobilise me, And anger me may the electrifying inactivity. But I will wait; I have Patience. I may be led astray by ignorant fools, And led to follow the masses like fish in their schools. But I will think; I have Wisdom. …

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…spread around the world like cancer, And they may try to stop me from finding Life's answer. But I will be candid; I have Truth. Monotony's blunt knife may punish me excruciatingly, And Ennui may inject its syringe into me slowly. But I will be different; I have Life. Only my empty corpse may be taken by Lucifer's daughter, And not my soul- she may only be a scavenger. I will boast; I have God.