Select an incident that you consider has a critical impact on you and analyse the incident with the use of appropriate theories.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
INTRODUCTION I had selected an experience, which happened at my living place in Kuala Lumpur last year. This incident is concerned about a big quarrel between me and one of my housemates. My approach to this experience will be similar to Kolb's Learning Cycle. Kolb's Learning Cycle explores the cyclical pattern of all learning from experience through reflections to conceptualizations, then to active experimentation (action), and to further experience (…

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…incident occur again, I would've made it clear to that person that it was not okay for him/her treat me in such a way. I won't be so emotional again in dealing with such incident. I will manage my anger the best way I could. I don't consider myself successful in this issue, as I felt disappointed in not tackling it earlier. This incident wouldn't have happened if I were successful in handling it.