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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In 1865, the 13th Amendment outlaws slavery and in 1868 the 14th Amendment grants equal protection of laws to blacks. Although these Amendments existed, white people did not always treat blacks fairly. Blacks struggled for the end of segregation, which meant that they were "separate but equal." The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was formed in 1909. There was much protest against segregation and against the unfair ways blacks were treated. Famous protests were restaurant …

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…guilty. Although segregation has ended, racial discrimination is still common at the workplace and in society. WORKS CITED "Brown vs. Board of Education" Encyclopedia Americana, 1990, 4, 634 "Brown vs. Board of Education" Britannica 1995, 2, 562 "Civil Rights Movement" Encyclopedia Americana, 1990, 6, 634 Greensboro Sit-Ins [Online] Available, December 15, 1999. "Martin Luther King (collage)" Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia [on CD-ROM], 1998 "Parks, Rosa, Louise" Encyclopedia Americana, 1997, 21, 464 Penner, Louis, A. "Prejudice and Discrimination" Encyclopedia Americana, Deluxe Library Edition, 1990, 22, 545-545h