Seeking Refuge in Australia-Australia's legislation

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The issue of illegal immigration is a topic that is very relevant in current society. Such an issue, which has evoked many standpoints within the community, is one to be handled diplomatically. Australia's current legislation of so called illegal immigrants (people who enter Australia without a visa) is inappropriate and must be amended forthwith as it imposes on refugees' internationally given right to seek asylum and imposes on their rights as individuals. In giving an …

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…key provisions of the ICCPR and UDHR, including the right for a refugee to take proceedings before a court, the right to liberty and the right to freedom from arbitrary detention. Through implementing the model for change proposed in this report, the government would meet its international legal obligations, protect the human rights of asylum seekers including those whose applications for asylum have been dismissed, and go some way towards introducing a humane immigration policy.