Security Council: Reformation

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
It has long believed that a revision in the Security Council System is needed. No one easy nor 100% democratic solution has been agreed on. In a utopia, democracy and freedom are the driving forces of society; this ideal can though not exist in one of our legal nor decision making systems. In any, especially the UN system democracy and fairness should be, to its fullest potential be expressed. Today's system is outdated and unfair to …

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…European groups. This would eliminate the change of all European countries being invited into the Security Council as non-permanent members. The Secretary-General recommended that the UN members come to a conclusion concerning the expansion and changing of the system before the UN Millennium Review Summit on the 14th-16th September 2005, if not then, then recommended that a decision should be done by the end of the year, if a later date is not set up.