Securing networks

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Introduction There have been many excellent papers, and books written on securing computer networks. They all largely address how to harden your network from the router on down to the switch, then eventually to the actual workstation itself. In many document cases of compromised networks, the end goal of the hacker was to suborn the actual workstation itself. The router, and sometimes a server of some kind, was not actually the end state of the …

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…and or result in reduced productivity. Blaming the end user for all network problems is not only unacceptable, it is the very reason we are employed ie: to keep things simple and secure. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this article. Once again I would remind you that I have not attempted to provide highly detailed advice, but rather a generic overview of how you can help secure your network from the operating system on outwards.