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Essay Database > Literature > English
In 1620 the first settlers came to North America to gain religious freedom. This group is known as the Puritans. Following the teachings of John Calvin, the Puritans wanted to purify the official Protestant church of England, or the Anglican church. Included in the beliefs of the Puritans are the ideas of original sin and predestination. Settled in the area later known as New England, the Puritans led their lives with strong faith in their religion …

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…in the amount of obscenity in movies, music, writing, etc, as well as the lack of modesty attached to the reaction of the people. Over the years the world has gone from shunning the gyrating hips of Elvis, to clamoring to the nearest R-rated movie without stopping to think twice during nude scenes, violence and obscene language. Although not in direct correlation with Puritan cultural changes of secularization, it shows that society is forever changing.