Sectional issues leading up to the Civil War, how the North South and West felt about states rights, tariffs, western land policy, mexican war, secession and how all these linked back to slavery.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Civil war was the most momentous and crucial period of time in the history of America. Not only did this war bring an end to slavery but also paved way for numerous social and political changes. The country had already been torn by the negative trend in race relations and the numerous cases of slave uprisings were taking their toll on the country's political and social structure. The country was predominately divided up into 3 …

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…War and a breakup of a nation. REFERENCES 1) The South Carolina Exposition 1828 2) Lincoln's First Inaugural Address 1861 3) The Presidents message to Congress in special session 1861 4) John B. Gordon, Maj. Gen. CSA, "Reminiscences Of The Civil War", 1876 5) Gordon Leidner, Causes of the Civil War: A Balanced Answer,