Secrets: The story of a lesbian encounter.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Did you see those tears rolling down her pale cheeks? Those eyes filled with anger and torment? She was just standing over the lifeless body with a 9mm gun in her shaking hands. Her laughter echoed around the silent room. It was not a laughter filled with supremacy or happiness, but of uncertainty. But why? Why did she laugh that night? *** It's that feeling that you want to go away, but sticks and sticks like …

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…menancing laugh, but one filled with understanding. She was laughing at death itself, at the absurdity of the world. As Hana looked at Abby's face, she too wanted to end the life that caused her so much sadness and confusion. Pulling the trigger, she reasoned, would stop the turmoil that she felt inside. She wouldn't have to feel the pain anymore. " Verse, Fame, and Beauty are intense indeed, But Death intenser-Death is Life's high meed."