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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Title: Secrets Author: Danielle Steele Number of pages: 442 Date of publication: 1985 Summary Everyone has secrets no matter who they are. The book I read is called Secrets and,of course, there are many secrets that people have in this book. A man named Melvin Wechsler is a fabulous director that everyone loves. He has a series called Manhattan that he is going to direct, and it is the best T.V. series of all time. …

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…book that the title fit perfectly. When I thought that all of the secrets were out they just kept revealing more and more secrets. I thought this was the perfect title for this book. In conclusion, I really liked this book and the way Danielle Steele wrote it. Her novels that I have read have always been good and never boring. Remember, everyone has secrets, and it takes the strong and willing to reveal them.