Second Language Advantages. what are some important advantages to learning a second language and how can a second language be used

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
There are many different languages in the world, continent, and our country. Knowing a second language can give a person an edge in our multilingual world. This advantage could be used almost anywhere. These places include the work place, in a foreign province or country, and even in our schools. Today there are many jobs and occupations that either require or would benefit from a second language. Even simple every day jobs can profit from …

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…program. It is a good way to fine true your verbal speech of the language and is a great way to travel for free. Also some universities are requiring the knowledge of a second language to enter the facility. In closing a second language is not something to laugh at or make fun of but to learn. A second language can open doors to you that were shut before. So get out there and learn.