Sea Wasp
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Sea Wasps belong to the class Cubozoa, order Cubomedusae, and include the genera Chironex and Chiropsalmus, It is found in coastal waters, creeks, and rivers in Australia from November to mid-March, northwards from about 22-degrees south latitude and occurs widely from Queensland northwards to about Malaya. The sea wasp, Chironex fleckeri Southcott), is one of the most deadly stinging animals in the sea. It has a large transparent body shaped like a box or a
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an adult. The venom also attacks the victim's red blood cells and severely damages the skin where the poisonous capsules have penetrated the skin. An antivenom for the sting of the sea wasp has been developed, but it must be administered relatively quickly. Because the venom from the sea wasp seriously affects the victim's breathing, it may be necessary to perform continuous CPR to keep a victim alive until professional medical assistance can be obtained.
an adult. The venom also attacks the victim's red blood cells and severely damages the skin where the poisonous capsules have penetrated the skin. An antivenom for the sting of the sea wasp has been developed, but it must be administered relatively quickly. Because the venom from the sea wasp seriously affects the victim's breathing, it may be necessary to perform continuous CPR to keep a victim alive until professional medical assistance can be obtained.