Scottsdale, Arizona. Economic history and how it was effected by the search for now water sources -- Vanderbilt

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
A Manmade Oasis Scottsdale Arizona is a young city with a long history. Today it is a thriving metropolis that was voted the "Most Livable City" in 1993. In the middle of the desert, nothing is possible without a stable water supply. People have lived in what is now Scottsdale since 300 B.C. 2000 years ago and to this very day, water has been the key factor in shaping the economic development of Scottsdale. Without an external …

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…single males." Human have been diverting water into the Scottsdale valley for over 2000 years. Many of these same ancient canals are used today. The city of Scottsdale was started by a single man who irrigated vast acres of desert land hoping for a citrus farm. As the population grew the need for water did as well. This need for new sources of water played a major role in shaping the economic history of Scottsdale, Arizona.