Scientific Management is sadly underestimated as an approach in modern organisational life. Provide a detailed justification of your agreement or disagreement of this statement. (i disagree with it)

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To question whether scientific management is underestimated in the organisation of modern businesses is to misjudge the complexity of modern-day work practices. As scientific management is simply defined as 'an approach ...emphasising the scientific study of work methods to improve worker efficiency' (Management: A Pacific Rim Focus, 2001, p.36), it can be concluded that such a simplistic, inhumane approach does not belong in the 21st century. A much broader theory is the classical viewpoint, 'a perspective …

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…ntingency theory, the original, complete idea, created for a 19th century organisation, could remain the most efficient management approach 2 centuries later. If scientific management were the best, there would have been absolutely no reason for improvements to be made. It is however, certain that elements of the original scientific management theory have been adapted into these more modern concepts, and the general focus of management has simply been forced to evolve along with societal trends.