Science: Space: Sally Kristen Ride
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Sally Ride was a United States astronaut who became the first American woman to travel in space. She launched in June 1983, with astronauts Robert L. Crippen, John M. Fabian, Frederick H. Hauck, and Norman E. Thagard and made a six-day flight on the space shuttle Challenger. On their flight in the shuttle Challenger, they tested out the Challenger's remote manipulator arm. They then used the arm again on her second flight, in
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Solar System and The Third Planet: Exploring the Earth from Space. Sally left NASA in 1987 and is recorded to have spent more than three hundred hours in space. She is now a physicist, and joined the faculty at the University of California, as a physics professor in 1989. She is also the Director of the California Space Institute, a research institute of the University of California. She now continues her work there and lives in California.
Solar System and The Third Planet: Exploring the Earth from Space. Sally left NASA in 1987 and is recorded to have spent more than three hundred hours in space. She is now a physicist, and joined the faculty at the University of California, as a physics professor in 1989. She is also the Director of the California Space Institute, a research institute of the University of California. She now continues her work there and lives in California.