Schwartz-Nobel, Loretta. Growing Up Empty: The Hunger Epidemic in America.

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Schwartz-Nobel, Loretta. Growing Up Empty: The Hunger Epidemic in America. <Tab/>New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. 2002 (248 pages) <Tab/>First, I would like to give my opinion of whether this book was worthwhile at the beginning of this book review. Because I believe this is one of the most moving books written today about the problem of hunger in America. I also believe that this book should …

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…airways and, in an admirable and compassionate <Tab/>gesture, he spoke openly of hunger and homelessness. His speech was effective. <Tab/>The need was dire, and his power to lead was obvious. Within two weeks, more <Tab/>than 1.5 million children had each sent a dollar to help feed the hungry <Tab/>children.......of Afghanistan. <Tab/>