"School of Tomorrow" an idea about how the schools will change with the advance in technology.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Differences make the world go round. And that is what the world of science is trying to bring to the future of education and of course the "SCHOOLS". For instance, take school uniforms; they take away kids' background and identity and make school boring and colourless. The worst thing about a uniform is making all children look the same. So I believe in the school of 2035, small entities such as school uniforms would surely be …

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…Student Promotion Investigator" (SPI) which would replace cumbersome written exams. It would be consisting of a "Hot Chair", equipped with a head gear. Students would be required to sit on it and eventually there heads shall be scanned. This would be done to check whether he is fit for promotion or not. Schools play a significant role in the welfare of the society and that is why they need upgrading on the lines of technology.