School Newspaper Censorship

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Taboo is not a common word in our society today. Almost every subject, from teen pregnancy to abortion to sexual harassment, is talked about in modern society. Therefore, national and local newspapers have the freedom to print almost every subject. School newspapers, however, are more likely to become censored by teachers, administrators, or supervisors. These people feel that students do not have the capacity to talk about controversial issues and therefore censor their articles. Our …

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…are the future writers for the Chicago Tribune or New York Times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** BIBLIOGRAPHY Encyclopedia Entry 1993 Infoplease Fighting Censorship After Hazelwood 1992 Student Press Law Center Issue Summary--Free Speech and Censorship 1996 Civil Liberties Union Ussery, Keith accessed 20 Dec. 1999 Freedom of Speech School Newspaper Censorship