Scene Analysis

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Scene Analysis The intent of this paper is to analyze a few points in Shakespeare's Play, "The Taming of the Shrew." During scenes i and iii of Act IV, Petruchio has taken Katherine to his country estate. It is here that Petruchio will manage to transform and conform Katherine to playing the role of a benevolent wife. Petruchio's strategy is a very good one that causes Katherine to realize that her shrewness will not be …

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…role--"shrew" or wife--does Katherine really belong, and in which is she only play-acting? She seemed unhappy in both of them, and it may be that she is suited for neither; and yet, as her resistance fades in the face of Petruchio's persistence, she seems to choose the married life by default. Has she really lost all that much by losing her hot temper and sharp tongue? That depends, of course, on what replaces them.