Scarlet letter

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The right and wrong of our life are determined by the moral rules of our cruel society. The author, Nathanel Hawthorne expresses this idea in one of his masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter. Born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts; he lived with his widowed mother and two younger sisters, Maria Louisa and Elizabeth. He had the must pleasant and normal boyhood, but for the next 12 year he was absorbed by unhappiness and self-doubt as he tries …

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…and personal feeling. That strength of an individual can be greater than what is believe to be. We human live based on a moral rule, such way of living can cause destruction in our society. Our lives should be based on our human nature and our conscience. We should do what we think is right not what the society thinks. Living our lives based on our conscience will make us live a more fulfilling life.