Scarlet Letter's Among Society Today

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Essay Database > Literature
There are many types of "scarlet letter's" in modern day life that apply to all in any given society. A type of "scarlet letter" in today's society is none other than appearance and self-presentation. Another "scarlet letter" that all people are subjected to, especially earlier in life, is popularity and recognition. One more "scarlet letter" example in modern day society is money. Appearance and presentation has involved itself in society too much. If certain people …

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…These cares include clothing, looks, cars, music preferences, and wealth. Somehow, all these cares of current day society, relate to the cares of the society in the novel The Scarlet Letter. There are more "scarlet letter's" that are present in today's society than there was the duration of the novel, but the intensity of the events is the novel were stronger than currently is life. Fortunately, today's events can be looked past or worked around.